The essence of a radiant spirit was shining in a dull way like the super bright flashlight you have when the battery is running low.
Rachael was tired, run down and burnt out. She was running on empty. She described how she functioned as everything for everyone. There was no one there for her, because everyone thought she had it together and didn’t need anything from them. Rachael looked so capable and competent, which she was. Too much of a good thing became her Achilles’ heel. Her strengths were undermining her. She spent the whole day being over responsible and fulfilling the needs of her family, friends and colleagues. They all loved it!
Rachael was unable to say “no” to anyone or anything, and she wore that inability as a badge of honor. Such good intentions from such a generous heart.
The result was self destructive.
If you were a fly on the wall, you would have heard her proudly saying to herself and others,
“I only sleep 6 hours a night.”
“I work non-stop all day.”
“I don’t have time to take a break.”
Sound familiar? Rachael treated her car better than herself. At least she filled the gas tank once a week. At the end of each day, there was nothing left for her.
Take a look at the following list. How do you neglect yourself while you overdo it taking care of others?
5 Signs You’ve Lost Yourself
- Only feeling worthy if you do everything for everyone.
- Thinking that over functioning means doing your best.
- Being full of self doubt, so that you have to prove yourself to everyone that you’re good enough.
- Ignoring your body and spirit when they’re giving you the message to rest or nourish yourself.
- Thinking that self care is selfish.
Where did you get the message that you’re not important enough to take care of?
Give yourself permission to treat yourself as well as you treat everyone else.
How would it feel if you had vitality because you felt restored?